Money back guarantee and return policy

Money back guarantee

How do I return a product?

Modern Herbal has a no-nonsense returns policy.

On Modern Herbal, you can cancel an order within 7 days for a full refund. If your order has already been despatched when we receive your cancellation, we will deduct the cost of handling and shipping from your refund.

Unless items are defective, you return them to us at your expense.

You may exchange products for any reasons for up to 30 days after purchase as long as your products are unused and unopened.

If you have ordered something by mistake, or simply decide that you don't want it, you may return it to us at your expense for a replacement within 30 days as long as your products are unused and unopened.

You must keep all tags and labels intact. If they are removed, we cannot accept the returned item.

Defective Items
If the product is defective, please give a full description of the fault and return it in its original box with all manuals for a full refund or replacement within 30 days of purchase.

To return an item
Please enclose a note giving the reason for the return, wrap the package securely and send it to us.

You do not need to return your item by Special Delivery or Recorded Post. Please obtain a certificate of posting.

This returns policy does not affect your statutory rights.